Monday, January 21, 2008

These are drawings of the USS KIDD, The KIDD also adopted and proudly flew the Skull & Crossed Bones as it's private signal. The KIDD is the only US NAVEL vessel that the US Admiralty gave permission to fly this otherwise forbidden flag.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Adopted Signal Of JOLLYBOAT

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

Remove Formatting from selection

The TRITON cuts a fine figure


This is the Universal Atomic Four that is being install in JOLLYBOAT this spring. In the picture the engine is shown just before the process of it's being removed from another Triton. Picture courtesy of Lackey Sailing, LCC

Greetings From The Boathouse

We are experiencing some of winters coldest weather but are none the worse for the wear. At the time of this writing it is 20 degrees outside with decreasing tempatures. JOLLYBOAT is safe in her slip but with the cool weather will be checked in the morning to be sure all is well.